Welcome! Thanks for taking the time to visit my site ^^ This is where I link personal projects, practice my language skills and post random stuff. Enjoy your stay!




Just got done with my first week of school, I haven't been doing much here since I'm so tired when I get back home

I love my school though, I'd love to get into contact with my teachers after graduating this year!

Something I'd love to do is start making (and actually finishing) animations/animatics, it's just that I can never find the motivation to complete them. My computer's full of frames from dropped projects


Site is now online.............. まだHTMLを学ぶ必要。投稿をはじめるのが楽しみだよ!!^^

It's still very much a work in progress, many updates coming soon!

Maybe I'll post some of my art on here and some extra pics/gifs to fill up space
